
odios profundos

inda não percebi porque é que vivo num país em que do meu grupo de amigos, o mais bem pago é o que está desempregado..

Videos de Inspiração

"oh, there's a recession! bla bla bla... this is the best shot you've ever got."


oh Tennessee, what did you write..

All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness.

Tennessee Williams


the broken vow

Those nights we had and the trust we lost
The sleep that fled me and the heart I lost
It all reminds me
Just how callous and heartless the true cowards are
And I write this for the loveless
And for the risks we take
I'll take my love to the grave
As tired and worn it is
I'll take my love to the grave


mais do senhor do charuto..

"We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

Winston Churchill


eia eia alala

Once D'Annunzio had taken Fiume others from all over Italy flocked to him, nationalists, anarchists, futurists, syndicalists, soldiers and men of the arts. "In this mad and vile world, Fiume is the symbol of liberty", declared D'Annunzio.

Hispanismo vs Iberismo

"Os Portugueses são espanhóis porque são naturais da Península Hispânica. Não são, nunca foram e nunca serão 'castelhanos'. A mania multissecular dos castelhanos de se assenhorearem de toda a Península toldou o verdadeiro significado das palavras. Hoje, todos os povos da Península, com excepção dos Portugueses, são castelhanos porque falam a voz do dono, sabe-se lá com que gosto."

Joaquim Reis